How intuitive eating can be life-changing


These are the kind words one of my clients shared with me recently. They gave me full permission to share them with anyone who might need to hear them, and I wanted to share them with you today because I believe the world needs to understand the harm diet culture can do to us, but also that there is a way out of the cycle of dieting and body hatred.

"My counselling with Ela has changed my life for the better. This journey has been the one of the hardest but most rewarding journeys I have ever been through.

As a serial dieter from the age of 16, I do not remember a time in my life when dieting, body image and appearance has not affected my life; through the way I lived, ate or exercised. Reaching twenty eight and being a long term bulimia, body dysmorphia and binge eating disorder sufferer, I was exhausted; both mentally and physically. I was tired of spending my days logging the calories I ate, avoiding social situations or to spending my nights in binging, tired of waking up with the physical and mental post-binge discomfort, the persistent internal body shaming that became a part of my daily life and the disappointment and shame I felt in myself when another diet failed.

Fast forward to now, post intuitive eating counselling, I can honestly say I feel I have my life back. Working through the intuitive eating principles with Ela gave me a framework to tackle my issues around food, exercise and body. Working with Ela gave me the space to explore my food issues and dig into deep rooted fears around food and the origins of my eating disorder. Ela gave me a supportive, personal approach. One thing I have always felt around my eating disorders was shame and discomfort, and to be able to speak about these honestly and openly without feeling shame or judgement was incredibly healing. Having her support at hand while rebuilding my life post-eating disorder was invaluable. Ela’s knowledge of intuitive eating, how to apply this knowledge and the support given made my recovery possible.

Whilst my recovery is a work in progress, I now don’t spend my days doing exercises I do not enjoy or tracking everything I’m still eating. I don’t spend my life in fear of my body or weight gain. This has given me a mental freedom I did not think possible. Being able to go to a restaurant with my partner and order what I want and enjoy it, saying yes to plans and experiences with my friends, eating when I’m hungry and not living according to my binge diet cycle are things I previously dreamt of. The journey is so worth it!

A massive thank you to Ela for all your help, guidance and always being there through my wobbles, it would not have been possible without you!"

These words mean so much to me, and they make the fight against diet culture one hundred percent worth it.

One thing I need to add to this wonderful story is that the counselling relationship is never one-way. I learn an incredible amount from my clients, and am so thankful for each and every one of them and the trust they put in me for supporting them on their own individual journeys.

If you feel ready to embark on your own intuitive eating journey, please check out my resources and FAQ page, or book a free discovery call to talk about how I can support YOU.


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